Generate a long Access Key
I am installing a web app and in the configuration file it says the "secret key" should be a very long sequence of random characters. This won't be a string that I need to remember. It got me thinking of a way to generate such in a script. One such option is pwgen -s 64 1
which will give a random string 64 characters in length, which is probably good enough for what I'm doing. For example: the output of such would look like:
Then I got to thinking of those Recovery Keys that sites sometime provide to users, those are usually easier to read aloud should it be necessary. After a few minutes I came up with the following one liner:
PASS=`pwgen -cn -B -C 4 22 | tr a-z A-Z |sed -e 's/ /-/g'`
echo $PASS
Nicely produces a very long random password/access key, what ever you want to call it.